Calibration: Keeping Your Business On Time With Proper Calibration Techniques

Calibrating your machinery is absolutely vital if you want your products to continue to be made correctly each and every time. Things like blades or presses that aren't calibrated correctly could rub together or break, causing damage to your machine and making a dangerous situation for workers. Here are a few ways to make sure your machinery is in tip-top shape with calibration methods. 

Opt for GPS Calibration

GPS calibration is a fantastic method of calibration because a GPS receiver adjusts the time and location of individual parts and machinery automatically from a single point. On-site calibration can be used to calibrate your frequency clock. This is done by collecting multiple satellite signals, adjusting your clocks, and maintaining this information to continue to adjust the machine timing as necessary. 

The GPS system in this kind of calibration method will need to be installed at your work site. You can manually input information, or information and adjustments can be sent over a wireless frequency from the Internet if you're not at the office. 

Try Manual Calibration

If your devices don't need to be calibrated often, then you may prefer a manual calibration method. 

Initially, when your machinery was installed, it was within its required limits. Calibrations are needed when parts are out of alignment or not working within a required standard, but if your work doesn't need to be very precise, then you may let your systems go longer without any calibration. 

Eventually, you'll need to calibrate your machines manually. Depending on the type of machinery you use, calibration is normally done by either tightening or loosening components such as wires or screws. 

If you have to replace parts on your machines due to breakage or wear and tear, remember that a full calibration needs to be completed after the parts are replaced. Even though the same parts may have been installed again, minor adjustments may be needed to help everything work smoothly. 

To help you reduce the amount you need to calibrate your machinery, remember to lubricate all moving parts correctly. This helps reduce the friction that could cause parts to break down, move, or snap out of place. 

These are just two of the possible ways to calibrate your machinery and a few tips on reducing the amount of times you'll have to calibrate your equipment annually. Try both of these methods to find the best way to keep your processes working correctly.  For assistance, talk to a professional like Miller Calibration.
